Cow Parade Alphabetical Listing

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La Argentina - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Chola - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La ciudadana - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La costurera - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Cowtiva - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Dolce Vida (The Sweet Life) - Houston, TX
La Favola dei Colori - Florence, Italy
La Fiancee Du Boucher - Monte Carlo
La Fiorentina - Florence, Italy
La flam - Mexico City
La Holandesa - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Mamma - Monte Carlo
La memoria - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Moochachka - New York City, NY
La Musa de San Miguel - Mexico City
La Papaline - Monte Carlo
La Puna, tierra, salar y cielo - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La urbana - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La vaca "aj  - Mexico City
La vaca a-tigrada - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La vaca cega - Barcelona, Spain
La vaca de la Mancha - Mexico City
La vaca de Mino - Mexico City
La vaca de Troya - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La vaca del cotxe - Barcelona, Spain
La vaca del ma - Mexico City
La vaca enchilada - Mexico City
La vaca estudiosa visit¢ Lanin - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La vaca Flora - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La vaca loca - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La vaca Sabi - Mexico City
La Vaca Sagrada - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La vaca se divierte - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Vaca t'observa - Barcelona, Spain
La vaca-ante - Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Vache A Beton . - Monte Carlo
La Vache Effleure - Kansas City, MO
La Vache Sans Fin - Monte Carlo
La v”a del primer pecad - Mexico City
La Vida Mooca - Stamford, CN
La Vie Bovine - New York City, NY
Laberinto en pata - Mexico City
Lactose Intolerabull - Atlanta, GA
LADY BEAN - Prague, Czech Republic
Lady Bug - Chicago, IL
Lady Camoolot - Portland, OR
Lady Cow-diva - Kansas City, MO
Lady Cowdiva - New York City, NY
Lady Kinko - Stockholm, Sweden
Lady Liberty Heifer - New York City, NY
Lady Tattoo - Stockholm, Sweden
Lake Land Belle - Manchester, UK
Lake Moonona and Mendota - Madison, WI
Landscape Cow - New York City, NY
Lascow - Houston, TX
Lascow and the Spirit of the Hunt - Kansas City, MO
Latvia - Prague, Czech Republic
Latvijas melnā - Ventspils, LV
L'avanzata dell'Arte in Firenze - Florence, Italy
Lawn Flaminkow - Portland, OR
Lawn Mooer - Las Vegas, NV
Lawn Mooer Cow - Houston, TX
Lazy Daisy - Isle of Man, UK
LC1 - Chicago, IL
Le Cowbusier - Portland, OR
LeatherNeck - Atlanta, GA
Leave your message here - Barcelona, Spain
Leav'n Town - Boston, MA
Leche Libre (Free Milk) - Portland, OR
Legal Tender Green - New York City, NY
Legal Tender Red - New York City, NY
Legal Tender Yellow - New York City, NY
Legend-Dairy Baseball - Kansas City, MO
LEGO Cow-a-sel of Imagination - West Hartford, CN
Lei e il suo grande carro di rose - Florence, Italy
Lemoonaid - Atlanta, GA
Lena Linderholms v„rld/The world of Lena Linderholm - Stockholm, Sweden
LENTILKA - Prague, Czech Republic
Leonardo - Warsaw, Poland
Leopard Cow - New York City, NY
Les Trois Grƒces - Monte Carlo
Les Trois Grƒces - Monte Carlo
Les Trois Grƒces - Monte Carlo
Let's Go to Moother's - Houston, TX
Let's Hand it to the Cows! - Houston, TX
Lewis & Clark Cowtographer - Portland, OR
Lhasa the cow - San Antonio, TX
Liberty Belle - Harrisburg, PA
Liberty Cow - Atlanta, GA
Liberty Cow - Kansas City, MO
Liberty Cow - New York City, NY
Liberty Cow - New York City, NY
Liberty Cow - New York City, NY
Liberty Cow - San Antonio, TX
Liberty Moo-Morial - Kansas City, MO
Liberty Moo-Morial Monument - Kansas City, MO
Lichtenholstein - Houston, TX
Life is but a Dream - Boston, MA
Ligando as Cores nų 1 (Branca) - Belo Horizonte
Ligando as Cores nų 2 - Belo Horizonte
Lightfoot - West Orange, NJ
Lighting the Way USA - Atlanta, GA
Like nothing els - Mexico City
Lil' Mookins - Harrisburg, PA
Lilla gubbens KO-mpis - Stockholm, Sweden
Lilly Moo-litzer celebrates St. Simons - Atlanta, GA
Lily - Manchester, UK
Limooosine - New York City, NY
Limoosine - Chicago, IL
Lines - Chicago, IL
Lion Cow I - Chicago, IL
Lion Cow II. - Chicago, IL
Literacy Lucy. - Chicago, IL
Lithuania - Prague, Czech Republic
Litoral autentico - Barcelona, Spain
Little Big City - Chicago, IL
Little Big Horn - New York City, NY
Little Jean Moorie - Houston, TX
Little Lives - Atlanta, GA
Little Mow - London, UK
Live Stock - New York City, NY
Live to ride...a cow? - Kansas City, MO
Livin' La Vaca Loca - Houston, TX
Llaverit - Mexico City
Llenaste mis sue¤o - Mexico City
Lock Haven in Black and White - Harrisburg, PA
Locomotion Cow, Cow, Cow - Destination Milky Way - Houston, TX
LOCOWMOTION - Manchester, UK
Lo-Cow-Motion - Stamford, CN
Locowtion - Chicago, IL
Lol - Mexico City
Lola Light - Barcelona, Spain
Lollipop Munchkin Cow - Madison, WI
London Bus - London, UK
London Cow - Chicago, IL
London Skyline - London, UK
Lonesome Cowboy - Houston, TX
Look At That She - Chicago, IL
Looking for Bucky - Madison, WI
Looking for Mr. Good-Cow - New York City, NY
L'or, La Rose. - Monte Carlo
LOST NAVIGATOR - Prague, Czech Republic
Lotto Moola - Harrisburg, PA
Lotto Vac - Mexico City
Louis Cow - Prague, Czech Republic
Love - Ventspils, LV
Love Cow - Bucharest, Romania
Love Cow - New York City, NY
Love Cow - Stockholm, Sweden
LOVE EWA IV. - Prague, Czech Republic
Love Krowe - Warsaw, Poland
Love Me Tenderloin - Houston, TX
Love, Loss, and What I Wore - London, UK
Loveday Street - South Africa
Lovely Guadalupe - Houston, TX
Lowry Cow - Manchester, UK
Loypelin Lausl†m - Telemart, Norway
Lucha libr - Mexico City
Lucie in the Sky with Diamonds - Ireland
Lucky - Chicago, IL
LUCKY - Prague, Czech Republic
Lucky Cow - London, UK
Lucky Cow - Monte Carlo
Lucy in the sky with diamonds - Prague, Czech Republic
Luisita - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lujza - Bratislava, Slovakia
Lullaby Cow - West Orange, NJ
Luna - Bucharest, Romania
Luna Belle - Portland, OR
Lupe - Mexico City
Luxemburg - Prague, Czech Republic
Luxury Cowmunity - Stamford, CN
LUXUS V PRAZE - Prague, Czech Republic

Lightfoot - West Oranges, NJ

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